
The basic purpose of the mineral filling compound is to reduce electrode to soil resistance and to create a low resistance zone surrounding the electrode to provide a uniform environment so that the electrode output is constant. Use of salt & charcoal is eliminated in the method of effective Earthing & instead a specially developed, natural eco friendly material with improved properties is used. This is non corrosive, has capacity to absorb & retain moisture from the surrounding. Being non soluble in water, it stays at the place and in not washed out by the rain water/underground water. This mineral filling compound is highly conductive.

Back Fill Compound is a premium conductive cementitious and carbonaceous material that dramatically reduces impedance and enhances the performance, reliability and longevity of grounding systems. This results in superior electrical and lightning protection for your assets.

Back Fill Compound is easy to install dry directly from the bag, or mixed with water in a slurry format and pumped into the trench or hole. Back Fill Compound adds substantial protection to any system where low impedance grounding is required and it has been successfully utilized to enhance and protect grounding systems across many industries including the following: Electrical Utilities, Telecommunications, Broadcasting, Wind Farms, Mining, Oil and Gas, Industrial and Manufacturing, Municipal and Institutional & Military.

Back Fill Compound :

  • Protects grounding systems from theft and sabotage.
  • Environmentally neutral Significantly.
  • extends the life of grounding systems.
  • Dramatically enhances the performance of grounding systems for superior electrical and lightning .