Grounding (or earthing) is the art of making an electrical connection to the earth. The process is a combination of science and “art.” as opposed to pure science,because it is necessay to ” test the option,” as opposed to using predetermined methods and calculations, The options for each site must be determined through visualization and evaluation, individually, using a related analytical process. The earth must be treated as a semiconductol’,while the grounding electrode it self is a pure conductor. These factors make the design of an earthing system complex, not derived from a simple calculation of the random driving of a fow rods into the soil. Know ledge of the local soil conditions is mandatory and is the first step in the design The includes its moisture content. temperature, and resistivity under a given set of conditions
Grounding or earthing is among safety . If the Body of any electrical equipment or machinery is grounded it will pass the current to ground in case to short Circuit.If a person accidentally touch the body of that machinery which is connected to conductor and it has much lower resistance then human body. So resistance of grounding conductor as also a major factor in electric safely.
The ‘B’ or ‘C’ Class GI Copper pipe and two G.I. or Copper plate thickness of 2 to 3mm coated with anticorrsion chemical filled with high conductive and corrosion resistant mixture and hygroscopic compound electrode. A safe, sensitive and efficient earthing system was felt and HP after Effort, designed and developed the pip-in pipe-and pipe-pipe with plate technology system of earthing This earthing technology is effective.Live, reliable, maintenance free and cost effective.
Our backfill compound called as “Conductive Grounding Minerals” which will be used around the earth electrodes at the time of installation. Conductive grounding minerals is a combination of graphite, natural earth minerals, etc which is of hygroscopic property to retain the moisture for a long time. During installation with proper water pouring, the Conductive grounding minerals will convert into the gel formation and its quality to retain the moisture up to twenty times its dry volume as well as it create a gel layer surrounding of our electrode our backfill compound is not soluble in water, moisture
property up to the life of the electrode which is more then 25 years.material is soil friendly Conductive grounding minerals is a combination of totally corrosion free and highly conductive & non-conosive minerals.
Earth Resistance and How it should below
Temperature of Earth
Type of earth soil
Minerals in Earth
Electrode shape and size
Number Of electrode in the earth
Electrode shape and size
Number Of electrode
Distance between two Electrodes
L.T. Lighting Arresters 4Ω
Major power satation 0.5Ω
Major sub satation 1.0Ω
Service connecting 4Ω
Minor Sub Satations 2Ω
Tower 20-30 Ω
H.T.Poles 10Ω
L.T. Poles 5Ω
1 .One G.I. Pipe covered by another G.I. Pipe | 1. One G.I./ C.I. Pipe |
2.Electrode not in direct touch of soil covered with back fill. | 2. Electrode in Direct touch of soil |
3. Absence of Corrosion . | 3. Fast Corrosion |
4. No Fluctuation of ohmic value | 4. Fluctuation of value are more ,poor life |
5. Maintenance Free | 5. Maintenance Required |
HP Earthing offers reliable ground earthing solutions, ensuring electrical safety, surge protection, and system stability with high-quality products and expert services for residential, commercial, and industrial applications.
Head off. Shop No 1, Gutila Mode, Baroli Aheer, Agra 282001